Project Management

Once the contracts are agreed and construction starts, the intensive task of managing the project begins. This involves managing a multi-faceted and complex combination of resources, dependencies and deadlines, to ensure the project remains on time and on budget.

It is vital that any deviations from the original schedule are quickly and accurately identified, to help keep the project on-track and minimise any additional costs.

Using Asgard to support your project team helps provide an objective and clear evaluation of the project status, with unbiased data, assessments and recommendations. This supports the smooth running of a project, enabling informed and accurate decision-making.

Asgard’s project management services include:

  • Review of Project Schedules & Status
  • Project Risk Assessment & Risk Management
  • Resource & Cost Management
  • Change Management
  • Dispute Avoidance


Our Offices

Tel: +65 6977 9590
Asgard Project Solutions (PTE.) Ltd
10 Anson Rd,
Singapore 079903

Hong Kong
Tel: +852 8191 7235
Asgard Project Solutions Ltd
22/F, 3 Lockhart Road
Hong Kong